5 Ways to stay Motivated to Workout
Reposted From: Julie Kailus If losing pounds is as easy as journaling about what you put in your mouth, can you use the same technique to...
Yoga For Kids
At our SUMMER DANCE CAMP we know how important it is to take a brain break. . Our children live in a hurry-up world of busy parents,...
5 Ways Taking a Dance Class can Fight Depression.
If you’ve struggled with depression, you’ve probably heard the statistics. Depression affects more than 350 million people worldwide, and...
Sexy Waist Trainer
Shout out to everyone who purchased their Waist Trainer... They are being shipped out today..!!!! We still have more left... Shop with...
Sponsor your FUTURE
🚨🚨🚨ATTN: All Business Owners I need your HELP.... We have 5 Students that have displayed the desire to go on our Redefine Your Future...
Have you been looking for something positive for your teen to do ? Fiercely Redefined Dance Team is based out of Cincinnati ohio, but has...
WERKOUT video of the week
The hip hop redefined team likes to come together every now and then to come up with fresh fitness routines. Check them out as they help...
Motivation Monday's
Today's Hip Hop Redefined class was amazing we had a little over 20 people who came to get it in (: We had some minor set backs in class...